During these difficult economic times it is especially important that you become aware of your spending and improve your money management skills. There are many simple ways in which you can save money just by making small changes. We have come up with a handy list of Tips for Saving Money to help you with your finances.
Clear your credit card debts.One of the best money management tips is to make sure you clear your biggest debts first, which tend to be credit card debts. With high rates of interest this could really add up if you are unable to clear your balance every month.
Keep a record.Why not try writing down everything you spend your money on for a few weeks. You might realize you are spending a lot more money on unnecessary purchases than you previously thought and spot areas where you could be saving money.
Get the best deal.Once you have signed up for your phone, broadband and television package it’s easy to forget about it and just pay automatically. However, this is a competitive industry and many companies offer great deals to new customers. Look around at other deals on offer and think about what is included in your current one. Make sure you don’t pay for things you don’t need or use.
Make a shopping list.It is easy to spend too much money when you make a trip to the supermarket. You get tempted by the deals on offer and end up buying more than you need and eventually end up wasting food! Avoid this by planning your meals, checking what you have in the house and making a shopping list.
Think about your mobile phone contract.Many people spend more than they need on their mobile phone contract. Check how many minutes and texts you use each month, the odds are that you are spending way below your limit. Get a deal to suit your needs; you could end up saving a lot of money. If you have come to the end of your contract consider switching to pay as you go. You don’t have to get a new phone every year and many also offer great deals for sim-only contracts which can help you save a lot of money.
Switch to own-brand products.Many supermarkets offer great and considerably cheaper own-brand products. Recent articles have even written about the health benefits of switching to own-brand goods, with many lower priced alternatives containing less sugar, salt and fat than their counterparts.
Stop and think.Before making an unnecessary purchase pause and take some time to think it over. Take a few days which might give you the chance to find a better deal, another option the time to realize you don’t have to make the purchase after all.
Change your habits.We get so set in our ways that many times we don’t even notice when we’re wasting money. Make sure you turn off appliances rather than leaving them on standby, only fill the kettle to where you need it, turn off the light when you leave a room, unplug your phone charger when you’re not using it, it all adds up in the end!
Sell your things on eBay.eBay is a great way to not clear your home of unused, forgotten clothing and other items, but make a bit of cash in the process. Have a look around your house, in your garage and attic, you are bound to come across things you never use and wouldn’t mind getting rid of.
Go to the market.Go to your local market to buy your fruit and vegetables, you will find that they offer better prices than the supermarkets and a great range of products.
Make the most of the internet.The internet can be a great resource for saving money. Many websites offer coupons and discounts for everything from restaurant meals, theatre tickets, clothing, theme park tickets, beauty treatments and much more. Before spending the money have a look around the internet for any deals currently on offer. You can end up saving half the cost!
Cancel your gym membership.Staying fit and healthy is important, but you dont have to spend a fortune upon it. With busy lifestyles many people don’t make the most of their membership and it can be a waste of money especially when there are many other options for staying fit. Join a local running club, buy an exercise DVD and walk or cycle to work. By walking to work you can also save money on transport costs.
Buy gifts in the sales.If you spot something in the sales that isn’t for you but would be perfect for your friend, mother, etc, consider buying it and saving it to give as a gift for their birthday or Christmas. You can end up saving a lot of money and you won’t have to worry about the last minute rush trying to find the perfect gift.

We hope this list of tips for saving money has been helpful and provided you with some useful information on how to save money.
TIPS TO SAVE MONEY TIPS TO SAVE MONEY Reviewed by Akash rajput on Thursday, November 28, 2013 Rating: 5

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